This was our Christmas card picture for 2008
In January, I was still pregnant, and for 7 days so was my sister-in-law Jill

My friend Sarah and I, still pregnant

On January 8, 2009 my niece Jaylyn was born

In February, our friends threw Brian and I a surprise baby shower

Boy was I surprised

My family threw me another baby shower at the end of February

The last day of my pregnancy

On March 24, 2009 at 4:32 a.m., Zander Ryan Meeter, our sweet little boy, was born
He had a few complications and had to be in the special care nursery for about 32 hours

Our family

In April, we celebrated Easter with the Meeter family

In April we celebrated my sister Abby's birthday at a wonderful restaurant in Chicago called Carnivale

This was the first time we were away from Zander, and it was a very long 4 hours because we missed our baby boy very much, but we had a fun few hours

In April we watched my sister play her last home college softball game of her career

May brought some very sad news. My Uncle Ron passed away. So my mom, Zander, and me made a road trip to be with my aunt and our family.
Izzy with Zander
We visited my dad's family while in Florida. This is my Auntie Cheryl (my dad's sister), my Uncle Ken, and my Grandma Wiersema.

Zander had many play dates throughout the year. Here he is in May with his second cousin, Michael. They are only 4 1/2 months apart, and I have a feeling they are going to be best buds.

In May, I celebrated my first Mother's Day. I was overjoyed. I love being a mom

At the end of May, Zander was dedicated to the Lord

This is the cake my sister made for Zander

In June, we celebrated my best friend Jane's birthday

And had a fun play date at a park with friends

But Zander scratched himself and took a while for it to stop bleeding

In June, we went to Champagne, IL to see my cousin Danielle's photography exhibit

This is one of her photographs. I love her work. This is my cousin, her husband, Dennis

Zander swam at the hotel while we were in Champagne

On June 14, 2009 tragedy struck our family again. The house I grew up in and my parents lived in for 30 years, caught on fire. Thankfully everyone made it out safely.

One of the firefighters that helped put out the fire.

At the end of June, Zander played with more friends. This is Josiah and Zander, they are 1 month apart.

In July, Zander went to a Gary Railcats minor leauge baseball game. And he wore a White Sox hat.

In June, Abby, my sister, got engaged, so in July Abby found a wedding dress.

Zander loved playing with his cousins in July and all year round

In July, our family got together to say goodbye to our cousin Dennis, who was deployed to Iraq in August

In July, Zander visited the Fort Wayne Zoo

Zander enjoyed watching NASCAR racing with his daddy

In August, we had fun swimming. We went a couple of different times, and even went once with my parents and my niece, Alyssa

In August, Zander visited the Michigan City Zoo with his cousin Alyssa and our friends, but Zander slept through most of this zoo

In August, for the first time, Zander experienced his second cousin's hugs. She just loves Zander.

On August 12, 2009 Brian and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary. This is before we left. My parents watched Zander.

We went to The Cheesecake Factory in Chicago and then to the beach

In August, Zander enjoyed playing with his cousin Jaylyn (he enjoyed it the rest of the year too)

At the end of August Zander had fun at a picnic at a friend's house

In September, Zander learned to sit up really well (he turned 6 months on September 24th)

A week before he turned 6 months, on September 17, 2009, Zander tried baby food for the first time. Peas, yummy!

In September, Zander enjoyed the fall leaves

Zander and his mommy went apple picking at a orchard with friends. This was the first time for both Zander and mommy.

We went to my Homecoming for my alma mater (Trinity International University)

In September we celebrated my birthday.

In October, Zander fell asleep while I was feeding him. I guess carrots bored Zander.

In October I threw a bridal for my sister and future brother-in-law

In October we went to Fort Wayne and celebrated Halloween with Zander's cousins

Zander was a lion for Halloween. We also went to the Fort Wayne Zoo on Halloween

In October we also visited a pumpkin patch

In November, we had some warm days, so Zander enjoyed playing at the park for the first time

Zander had more time in November to enjoy the leaves. We went on a leaf hunt with a friends daughter, Rebekah.

In November, I threw my sister Abby a Bachelorette Party

And in November we celebrated Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for.

In December, on December 4, 2009 my sister Abby married Andy

Zander was one of the ring bearers, and I pulled him down the aisle in a wagon. I was the Matron of Honor.

We had fun at the Masquarade Ball (Abby and Andy's wedding reception)

In December, Zander met Santa Claus

And Zander celebrated his first Christmas.

He had fun celebrating Christmas with his cousins.

And all of his family, both the Wiersemas and the Meeters

We enjoyed our first Christmas together as a family.

This was one of the pictures on our Christmas card this year.
I hope and pray that you all have a great 2010. May God bless you abundantly. I hope and pray God keeps you all safe and Healthy this year. Enjoy every minute of every day because you never know when it may be your last.
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