Note: This post was originally meant to be posted on December 25, 2009.
Zander had a wonderful first Christmas. I worked on Christmas Eve from 3 p.m. until 1:30 a.m. on Christmas morning. I got home around 2 a.m., and Zander woke up soon after that. We tried putting him to sleep 3 times, but he wasn't having it. So I suggested we start opening presents with Zander.
This is the first present Zander opened. We are going to start a tradition where we open up one present on Christmas Eve, which will be pajamas. So even though it was actually Christmas Day, really early, we were pretending it was Christmas Eve, and that is why we had Zander open it on our bed. Brian worked until 1:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve, and when he got home I got ready for work and then left for work. That is why Zander didn't open his present on Christmas Eve, because I wanted both of us to be there when he opened it up.
Zander getting ready to open his first Christmas present ever.

Zander wasn't that interested in opening gifts
Zander's new pajamas

After Zander opened his Christmas Eve present, we brought Zander downstairs to see the Christmas tree lit with all the presents underneath. Then we read the Christmas story from the bible. We then had Zander open some presents. By this time it was 3:10 a.m.. Zander opened about 2 or 3 presents and then was getting crabby so we decided to try to put him to bed once again. It wasn't easy to do, and he ended up sleeping with us, which we usually don't let him do.

We officially woke up around 8 a.m. on Christmas morning. We had Zander open up a a few more presents, and then Brian made breakfast for us. He made yummy pancakes. My sister and her husband stopped over to drop off some presents for the celebration the day after Christmas that we were having at our house with my family. They gave Zander the cute bear at the top of this post.
Later in the afternoon we went to my sister-in-law and brother-in-law's house to celebrate Christmas with my husband's family.
We had a wonderful Christmas.
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