Zander is 10 months old today. I can't believe it. The last 10 months have gone by so fast, and he is getting so big.
Zander, this is what you have been up to in the last month:
-You said your second word today, and it was hi! You said it to your Grandpa Wiersema.
-You love to crawl all over the place.
-You love to pull up on things and walk along the furniture.
-You get into everything your not supposed to.
-You love wires of any kind.
-You go everywhere and your wearying your momma out.
-You have 6 teeth now.
-You still wear size 3 diapers.
-You wear some 9 month clothes, but mostly wear 12 month clothes. Your mommy puts you in 18 month clothes because you have some cute 18 month clothes. The pants for 18 months are too long surprisingly.
-You still have mom and dad hold your bottle for you. But you hold it occasionally and so we know you can.
-You celebrated your first Christmas, and you were not interested in opening your presents.
-You love all of your Christmas presents, especially the mailbox that Grandma and Grandpa Meeter got you.
-You tried finger food for the first time this past month. But you still don't eat much of it. You still eat your baby food really well.
-You give high fives now.
-You put both hands above your head for "touchdown."
-You wave hi and bye.
-You love to be read to.
-You sleep between 12-14 hours a night, straight through (except occasionally you wake up and your mommy thinks it is because you are teething).
-You go to bed around 7 p.m. every night.
-You are teething again. The drooling has started and you put your fingers in the back of your mouth.
-You usually take 2 naps a day.
-You are very social and love to watch others. You especially like the girls. Your a ladies man boy.
-You sometimes dance to music. Okay, you mostly just move your arms and hands.
-You love all the music and lights at Pipes and Pizza (Beggars Pizza).
-You love your cousin Jaylyn so much and squeal in delight when you see her.
Your mommy and daddy love you very much. But your mommy is kind of sad to see you growing up so fast. Just like the country " You're we're gonna miss this, you're we're gonna want this back, you're we're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast." We love you Zander and we are enjoying every minute we have with you.