Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Still Sick

Zander is still sick. And man was he fussy today. I feel so bad for him. He just wanted to be held all day, so that is what I did. I had intended to get some much done, but got nothing done. I just realized I didn't even take any pictures of Zander today. He was in nothing but his diaper for most of the day. Our house has been hot all day, and I refuse to turn on the air. I think my husband would not be happy if I had turned it on. McDreamy left for work around 10:45 a.m. and is working a 12 hour day today. So I was home with a fussy baby all day long. I had wanted to go to MOPs this morning, but got up late because I didn't go to bed until 4 a.m. this morning. It was probably best I didn't go since Zander is still sick and fussy. I couldn't get out to the store either. So, my mom and dad picked up some sweat peas baby food for Zander. I love my parents so much, they take care of Zander and I. I didn't have much success tonight. More ended up on his face and bib than in his mouth. I will try again tomorrow. I hope Zander gets over this cold soon.

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