Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Job for the Hubby

Zander spent sometime at his Grandma and Grandpa Meeter's house today because, since the first time since he was born, both his mommy and daddy had to work today. Yes, today was my husband's first day at his new job. I am so excited for him and I can't wait to hear how his day went. It is 11:45 p.m. and he is still not home yet, but hopefully he will be home soon. I did call him around 11:20 p.m to check and see where he was since he works in the same town we live in. He told me he doesn't get paid for lunch that is why he won't get off until 11:30 p.m. And since he is just starting he probably had to stay a little later because he is still getting used to the job.

Update: My husband is now home and has told me all about his day at work. He loved it. I am so happy for him. I gave him a card when he got home, and it made him cry. I knew it would. I wanted to decorate the house with balloons and streamers in celebration of his new job and buy him his favorite candy, peanut butter M&Ms, but my mom invited me over for pizza after I picked up Zander, so I stopped at her house instead. While I was at my mom's house my little sister Aubrey gave Zander one of her favorite books and mine, The Giving Tree by Shell Silverstein. What a sweet gift. I just love that book and I love my sister very much. Well I will have to post more another day, I must get to sleep. I have to leave early to take Zander to my friend's house to babysit. Thanks Jen for watching my baby tomorrow. I will leave you with the only 2 pictures McDreamy took of my son today. I asked him to start taking more pictures of Zander while I am gone.

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