Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sad Momma

I am sad for a couple of reasons. One of which is what happened on Sunday, September 20, 2009. We got to church a little early, because there was supposed to be question and answer time with a pastoral candidate. I entered the children's area to speak with a friend and I was holding Zander. When I walked in the room a boy about 10 or 12 years old approaches us. I have never met this boy, but I recognize him as the son of the pastoral candidate that will be preaching today. Our church is considering this boy's father to be our pastor. So I have seen pictures of him and recognized him from the pictures. He walks right up to us and says, "Nice ears" in a sarcastic way. He was referring to my son's ears. Then he proceeds to put his hand behind his ears and do dumbo ears to make fun of him some more. I was crushed. I know kids get made fun of, but I did not think it would start at 6 months of age. I can't believe this boy was making fun of a 6 month old baby. I am still crushed. Then he proceeds to make fun of him so more. My son drools a lot because he is teething. The boy makes fun of that. Later, right before church, he approaches us again and tells me he has 2 nicknames for my son, Mr. Drool or Slobster, and he asks me which one I want him to call my son. I should of said neither, but I said Mr. Drool, because I thought that one was the lesser of two evils. My son is not a slob. I was so offended. I understand he is just a boy, but I think he knows better. He should know by now that he should not make fun of anyone or say mean things. The second reason I am sad is that Zander is still sick. My poor baby. I just want him to be healthy. OH, and by the way, the church voted and we have a new pastor, the one who spoke on Sunday. SO, I will be seeing more of that boy.

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