Friday, September 11, 2009

Sitting up and other random things

Zander has been practicing sitting up by himself, and he is getting pretty good at it.

And then he falls over.

Then mommy helps him to sit up again.

Then he falls over once again.

Then he sits again.

This is getting to be kind of fun!

More sitting.

Tonight Zander and I went out to dinner at Golden Corral with our friends to celebrate Janell's birthday. I decide to dress Zander in the cutest Calvin Klein outfit. The outfit was new and this would be the first time he wore it. He wasn't even wearing the outfit 2 hours when he had a huge blow out while sitting on my lap. Thank goodness he didn't get any on my clothes. I went to the bathroom and got him cleaned up and changed. On our way to the bathroom, one of the employees came up behind me and said "He has the cutest ears ever." That meant so much to me. His ears stick out a little, and I think they are the cutest thing ever, but I have gotten a few comments from people that they are big. I just don't want him to get picked on because of his ears either now or when he gets older. So, when that lady said that it just made me so happy and it meant the world to me. To me that is one of the nicest things someone has said to me about my son. Well, I washed Zander's cute, new outfit. The stain came out of his shirt, but his khaki pants have a light green stain on them now that has not come out yet. I plan to soak it and try some other tactic to get the stain out. I hope it works, because it is such a cute outfit. It even has a cute little jean jacket to go with it.
Okay, this post is filled with random things. Today Zander learned to work the TV and DVR remote. Zander was laying on the couch today and the remote was behind his head. He reached back and touched one of the buttons on the remote which made the show I was watching fast forward because it was on our DVR. I know it was unintentional, but it was too funny.
One more random thing. Today they had a 36 hour radio-a-thon on a local radio station for Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, IL. It was so sad to hear about all the sick kids. Every year I hear part of the radio-a-thon and every year it makes me cry. But this year it means so much to me, because I have a healthy boy. I am so blessed that Zander is healthy. God is so good, and I am so thankful for having a healthy boy. I thank God every day for every minute I have with Zander. I love him so much. I have so much to be thankful for.

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