We then walked over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a few minutes. While we were there, Zander opened a drawer for the first time. I was getting ready to sit at their computer desk, and it has a drawer that opens pretty easily. Zander slipped his fingers underneath the desk as I was sitting down with him on my lap, and he pulled the drawer open as I sat down. It was so cool, and I was very impressed. Then we were down on the ground and Zander was showing off. He was showing Grandma how he has been practicing sitting up, and he sat up unassisted for about 20 or 30 seconds. After he was done showing off, I picked him up, put him on my shoulder where he laid his head down, and I stood up. As soon as I got up I said goodbye to his Grandma and Grandpa and left, and before I could get out the front door Zander had already fallen asleep. It was very cute. Zander slept for about 45 minutes and then woke up right before we had bible study. One of our friends, Jen held him most of the bible study and he snuggled in her arms for quite a while, even interlacing one of his hands with hers. He eventually fell asleep in her arms. It was so cute.
What a smile that boy has on him.

Don't mind all the drool he has on his shirt.
Just chilling. And that is more drool on his onsie/shirt. What can I say, the boy drools a lot.

Just chilling. And that is more drool on his onsie/shirt. What can I say, the boy drools a lot.

Zander reading.

Okay, I did most of the reading to him, but I let him have a chance to read to me too!

The stare down. Zander and I just stared at each other for a while as we rested on our bellies on the blanket.

The stare down. Zander and I just stared at each other for a while as we rested on our bellies on the blanket.

McDreamy found Zander sleeping like this yesterday during nap time. This is only the second or third time he has ever turned onto his stomach and slept that way. We put him on his back to sleep, and he usually sleeps on his right side.

This is how I found Zander when I got home from work at 5 p.m yesterday. He had fallen asleep and my husband just left him there. The poor baby.
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