Zander turned 6 months today. We took him to Portrait Innovations for his 6 month pictures.
This is what you, Zander, have been up to in the last month:
-You tried "real food" one week before your sixth month birthday. You have only tried peas, and you don't know what to think of them yet. I am not sure if you like them or not.
-You love to sleep on your belly.
-You have gotten both of your arms and legs stuck in between the slats of the crib one time when you were supposed to be sleeping for the night. (Mommy had to come rescue you because you didn't understand that you could slip them back out)
-You still wear size 2 diapers.
-You wear 6 to 9 month clothes, but still fit into some 3 to 6 month clothes.
-You eat between 6 to 8 oz. of Good Start formula about 4 to 5 times a day.
-You love when mommy sings the song "I love you Lord" and even if you are fussing at the time you stop fussing when you hear her sing that song.
-You love to roll.
-You get up on all fours and rock back and forth (mommy thinks you will be crawling soon).
-You scoot a lot, especially when you are laying on your back. You do it most often when you are crying and laying on your back.
-You love your playmat, but hate your exersaucer.
-Most days you like the jumpy thing that hangs in the doorway.
-You are such a sweet and mellow baby.
-You do not cry very much, only when you are really hungry or when you are sick.
-You like to help turn the pages when I read to you.
-You smile all the time.
-You are still infatuated with your hands and feet. And you love to play on the playmat with your feet.
-You can now sit up on your own for quite a while.
-You waved for the first time. You did it today, on your 6 month birthday. You waved at Ed from our small group, and then you waved at Grandma the next day, Friday, September 25th.

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