We had such a fun day to end our weekend and to end my days off of work in a row. Unfortunately tomorrow I go back to work. Today we went to church. And we officially have a new pastor. I am so excited about that. I will post about that later. After church we went out to lunch with friends from church. It wasn't the usual people we go out to lunch with each Sunday. It was nice to visit with other friends. Two of the men we went out to eat with are cops, so they had some interesting stories to share with us. After lunch we went to the Wagner's house, our good friends, to watch the Bears game. Sam and Jen Wagner are big Pittsburg Steeler fans. Well, our family are big Chicago Bears fans. Sam was so confident that the Steelers were going to beat the Bears. So confident that before the game he mentioned that the game would be very one sided, meaning it would be all about the Steelers. Boy was he wrong. Way to go Bears. I am so excited the Bears won. The final score was Chicago Bears 17 and Pittsburg Steelers 14. GO BEARS! Zander was all decked out for the game!

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