I have to play Ketchup with my blog. Yesterday, October 29, 2009, Zander said his first word. His first word was WOW. I just know he was trying to say Mom, but it came out upside down as WOW. He was lying on our bed and McDreamy and I were playing with him, and he said WOW, clear as ever. It was so cute. Yesterday we tried to take more pictures of Zander with pumpkins because my camera died when we went to the pumpkin patch. It was very nice weather yesterday morning; it was about 60 degrees out. The reason I say we tried is because they didn't turn out very well. Zander was tired and did not want to look up in the photographs. Then I tried to take some pictures of Zander in a pile of leaves. The same thing happened, he did not want to look up. Oh well, what can you do. That is the reason for the disappointment.
Case in point, but he loved to play with the leaves.

This picture was taken this morning as my husband was getting ready to take Zander to our friends house so they can babysit him today. Thanks Jen and Sam. It is not the greatest picture of him, but I loved his outfit.

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