Zander and his daddy at the party

The kids on the hayride

The wagon for the hayride was pulled by horses. FUN!

A sleeping lion after the party, and we still had so much else to do.

Then we went back to my brother's house to take some pictures of Zander and his cousins in their costumes.

Julia as a princess and Alyssa as Bill, some tattoo guy.

Tyler as a Transformer, Julia as a princess, Cindy (my sister-in-law) with a witches hat, and Alyssa as Bill the scary tattoo guy

Alyssa, Julia, Zander, and Tyler
Then we met my cousin, her husband and some of their friends at the mall food court for dinner. Zander fell asleep at the food court before everyone arrived, but woke up before we were done eating. He just took a short cat nap.

A sleeping lion after the party, and we still had so much else to do.

Then we went back to my brother's house to take some pictures of Zander and his cousins in their costumes.

Julia as a princess and Alyssa as Bill, some tattoo guy.

Tyler as a Transformer, Julia as a princess, Cindy (my sister-in-law) with a witches hat, and Alyssa as Bill the scary tattoo guy

Alyssa, Julia, Zander, and Tyler

After dinner we went to the Fort Wayne Zoo. We piled the 3 babies into a wagon and pulled them around the zoo.
Jacob the alligator, Zander the lion, and Michael the monkey
We saw a lot of carved pumpkins at the zoo and not many animals, except the pumpkin kind.

Zander's competition
Jacob the alligator, Zander the lion, and Michael the monkey

Zander's competition

After the zoo we went to my aunt and uncle's house. It was fun to visit with them and let all the babies play. We had a fun filled day. And we made it back from Fort Wayne in 1 hour when it usually takes 3 hours (not really, but it seemed like it because of the time change, fall back, and the fact that they are 1 hour ahead of us). We are extremely tired. It is hard to drive 6 hours in one day and do much more throughout the day. Time for bed.