Are you feeling guilty for not changing your children's bedsheets for weeks on end? Feel trashy taking your trash to the curb with no bra on? Overcome with embarrassment after your child wets his pants in public? We'll don't be! Not Me! Monday was born out of my desire to admit some of my imperfections and reveal a few moments I'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!
This is my first time participating in this and I am "not" good.
I did not bring any dish soap on our road trip, and I did not have anything to clean out Zander's bottles with. So, I did not just rinse them and then fill them back up with water and use them again.
When we took a road trip to look at a house I did not forget a pacifier. I did not try to put my finger in his mouth to get him to quiet down. And when that did not work I did not put a plastic star in his mouth or anything else I could find to help pacify him. He did not continue to scream the entire way to the dairy queen and back to the house while we were waiting for my family.
Then when we got to the house for the second time (we did not get the time wrong about when we were meeting my family) the realtor did not say, "he is such an angel, I haven't heard a peep out of him. And I did not tell the realtor "You should of heard him 5 minutes ago in the car screaming his head off". No Not Me! I would never say anything bad about my precious boy.
Well, that is all I can think of now. But I'm sure there were more.
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