Sunday, November 28, 2010

One Month

My baby girl is one month old today, I can hardly believe it. Time is going by so fast. Sophia, what have you been up to in your first month of life?

-You wear some newborn clothes still, but are mostly wearing 0 to 3 month clothes.
-You are in newborn size diapers, size 1 diapers are still too big.
-You weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz. on November 22, 2010, 6 days before you were one month old. You only gained 1 oz. since birth.
-You lift your head up really well.
-You sleep pretty well throughout the night and sleep from 6 to 9 hours a night in a row. It is usually around 6 hours now that you are getting older.
-You have more wakeful times during the day.
-You eat every 3 to 4 hours, and sometimes I still have to wake you up to feed you during the day, which is quite a feat at times.
-Your big brother loves you very much and helps to take care of you. He gives you a pacifier when you cry. He covers you with blankets, even his, and he swings you when are in your swing. He also loves to give you kisses or pat your head. He also loves to sit next to you.
-You are not crazy about baths yet. You cry most of bath time.
-Your mommy and daddy love you very much.
-You celebrated your first Thanksgiving and we hosted it at our house this year.
-You also had your first road trip, to Fort Wayne the day after Thanksgiving, and you slept most of the way. So far you travel well in the car.
-You are a healthy baby.

We thank God for you every day. God has blessed us so much.


MMR said...
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MMR said...

-You are nearly as tall as your cousin Mandy.

I can't believe a month has come and gone!