This post is for Sunday, November 14, 2010. I initially had it posted for then, but I messed up.
The day started with baths for both kids. Brian gave Zander a bath, and I gave Sophia a bath. It was Sophia's first bath, before this she just had sponge baths because the umbilical cord had not fallen off yet.

Then we got ready for church. After church, Brian headed to his parent's house with both kids while I headed to Brian's brother's house. I had promised them that I would take family pictures for their Christmas cards. It was fun to take pictures for my sister-in-law and brother-in-law and their 2 adorable girls. I would show you what I took, but it is for their Christmas cards, so I will have to post them later. It wasn't any fancy pictures, but they wanted to keep it simple. After I took their pictures, I headed to my in-laws house to join the rest of my family for lunch. We had a very nice visit and lunch with my in-laws. While we were there my father-in-law suggested that Zander sleep over and spend the day tomorrow with him. They wanted to give me a break, and they love spending time with their grandson. I thought about it, and even though I would miss Zander, it would be nice to just have Sophia for the day. So around 4 p.m., we headed home and Zander stayed with his Grandma and Grandpa.
We took these pictures of our sweet girl tonight while all 3 of us were cuddling in bed before bedtime.
I love relaxing days with the family. I sooooo needed a day like today. And I am looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow. A whole day to spend with my little girl!
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