Saturday, September 4, 2010

Indianapolis Children's Musuem

Zander and I tagged along to Indianapolis with my husband, Brian, this weekend. For his birthday he wanted to go to the drag races, so we made a weekend out of it. Brian attended drag racing all day today so Zander and I went to the Indianapolis Children's Museum. Zander had a blast. It was fun watching him have such a great time.

Focused on riding the motorcycle. He has his racing shirt on in honor of where his dad was today.

And this will be the closest he gets to a motorcycle for many, many years.

Enjoying the water part.

They had a play house with dolls, furniture, a kitchen, and other stuff. Zander went in there for one second, grabbed a doll, and headed out of the house with the doll.

He even gave the doll kisses.

He carried that doll around for quite a while.

He even rode the Carousel for the first time ever.

Zander had cheetos for lunch, and would sign please when he wanted another one, so he had cheetos all over the top of his shirt. I am very happy he is signing again. So far it is just more and please, but I am going to work on other signs.

By the end of the day we were both exhausted. We picked up Brian at the races and then stopped at Fazoli's for dinner. I love Fazoli's and I wish they were in our area. They used to be, but closed down. Brian had a good time watching drag racing. He can't wait to go back tomorrow. Today he went by himself, but tomorrow he is going with one of his bosses from his work.

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