Thursday, April 8, 2010

My reasons for being gone

I have not been consistent at blogging for a while now, which makes me so sad. I've been so tired lately. And there is a reason behind that. I AM PREGNANT. I am 10 weeks pregnant. I have been very nauseated and tired. I think I am more tired with this pregnancy than when I was pregnant with Zander. I was going to announce my pregnancy on my blog on April Fool's Day, but that didn't happen. I am still going to back post, so I probably will do that too.   Last night I got really sick.  I think I have the flu.  I have been so weak and exhausted yesterday and today.  Here are some pictures of my sweet son, since I haven't posted so in a while.  I am hoping in the next few days I can catch up with my blog.  So I will be posting a bunch of back posts.  If you care to read, go back a few days or weeks and see what else we have been up to.  And enjoy these pictures of my sweet boy.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the new baby!!!!! I hope you feel better soon!

Silly Goose said...

Congrats girly. I'm glad you finally announced it. :) I hope you have a girl. That would be so great!