Monday, July 27, 2009

Starting out

I can't believe I am entering the blog world. I know this is crazy, but I have been "fake blogging" as I call it for 2 months and 2 days. I have been reading other blogs and wanted to start my own, but was unsure about it. So, I decided to write in Microsoft works in blogging style as a way to journal about my son and everything going on in our lives, until I decided if I wanted to blog on the internet. I am a terrible writer. So I apologize for the run on sentences, and misspelled words. AndI know I will have a lot of gramatical error, but I am blogging anyways. So, here goes. I am pretty sure I won't have many readers of my blog, but I am okay with that. I am doing it mostly as a keepsake for my son Zander and for me. I have never gotten into scrapbooking, but have always wanted to. I love taking pictures, ask my family. And if my son could talk he would tell you all about my love of photography. He knows first hand.
So, I wish that I could share my entries from the last 2 months. A lot has happened in those short 2 months. In the last 4 months, even more has happened. So I will take you through a brief overview of the last 4 months and 4 days of my life. On March 24, 2009 I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Zander Ryan. He was born at 4:32 a.m. and weighed 8 lbs 11 oz and was 22.5 inches long. I love my son so much, and I love being a mother. Life is busy, but fun. We are enjoying every minute with Zander. He is a healthy and loveable little boy. I went back to work in the middle of June. My first day back was June 8, 2009. I had intended to start back the following week. I think I messed up, and I was really supposed to be off on June 8th, because when I got to work I wasn't on the schedule. I still ended up working, turns out they needed another nurse. By the way I am a R.N. in an emergency room. I worked that Monday, June 8th and then had the rest of the week off. I then started Tuesday, June 16th as my official full week back. I work 3 12 hour shifts a week. My hours are from 11 a.m. until 11:30 p.m.
A few days before I officially started back to work, on Sunday, June 14th, my parent's house caught fire. I grew up in that house and my parents lived there for 31 years. It was horrible. The whole house will have to be torn down. Our family is still trying to get through this tragedy. But, everyone made it out of the house safely. My mom and little sister were home when the fire started. God protected them and kept them safe, and that is what matters most. God is an awesome God and will sustain us through this. Before the fire, my uncle died in May. My mom, Zander, and I went on a road trip to Florida for the funeral and to help my aunt, my mom's sister, in any way we could. We were gone a total of 1 1/2 weeks. Zander was almost 2 months at the time, and was a trooper and a great travel companion. God is a great God and even though my family is going through some tough times, He will sustain us through it all. I trust God completely, and I know He can get us through anything in life. That has been my last 4 months. Oh, and my older sister got engaged a little over 2 weeks ago, and is getting married December 4, 2009. I am helping my sister throw a wedding in 4 1/2 months. Very exciting and fun.

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