Do you ever plan your day out in your mind, but in actuality it goes nothing like you planned? That is exactly how my day went. I am not complaining, I had a wonderful day, but it was nothing like I wanted it to go. I am a planner and a list maker. I love 'to do lists'. And yesterday I made a very long and detailed 'to do list'. And only a few things were checked off my 'to do list.' I was woken up around 6:45 a.m. this morning by Sophia, my daughter, and as I was feeding her I heard a knock on the door. As I walked out of my room wondering who would possibly be at my door this early in the morning, I glanced in the direction of my kitchen window, and my little sister was peering in my window. She scared me half to death. She came over because she was already bored. She is a teacher and is on Spring Break. It is beyond my understanding why she does not sleep in and enjoy this time, but instead she had been up for 2 hours and decided to come hang out at my house. I love having her so close, she only lives 5 minutes away. While we were hanging out my niece Alyssa called me and asked if I could come with the kids to visit her and her siblings. My nieces and nephew are also on Spring break and are staying with my parents for the week. I agreed to go hang out there for the morning. So I got the kids going and loaded in the car with everything, and headed with my sister to my parent's house. We hung out with my nieces and nephews for the morning and around 12:45 p.m. we headed back home. Zander is loving that his cousins are in visiting from Fort Wayne, because he is having so much fun with them. My mom and I are taking all the kids to Bellaboos on Friday, a children's museum in our area, and I am looking forward to that. Zander loves that place, and he is going to have fun playing at Bellaboos with his cousins.
Zander fell asleep in the car as usual, and I laid him down for a short nap when we got home. Then we found out we had to pick up my husband from work, and then get the car from the mechanics. Our brakes are finally fixed on the Thunderbird. Last minute we invited our friends Racheal and Jason and their 3 girls over for dinner. We grilled chicken and then made some potatoes, rice, and corn to with it. SO, that was my day. None of that was on my 'to do list'. And I think I only got 2 things crossed off my 'to do list', 1 load of laundry and one phone call done. Well, I guess there is always tomorrow for the 'to do list'.
Sophia got some new bows from Racheal

And in the picture below, Sophia was not too happy by the time I snapped a few pictures, but look at those skinny legs
Zander also got some Thomas the Train sandals from Racheal, I just forgot to get him wearing them. Of course he had to wear them right away with his socks on. I wish I got a picture of that because socks with sandles is so in, and they were Christmas socks none the less. Hey, they were the most available socks at the time.
I started off writing this post wanting to talk about how I always try to plan my life out a certain way, and God has other plans. You think I would stop planning things. I know God's way is always the best way, and I trust that He knows what is best for me. His plan for my life is the BEST plan. He has my life all mapped out, and I know no matter what, He is in control, and He will always be there for me. I serve an awesome and loving God.