Monday, February 1, 2010


This morning was a rough morning. I was woken up at 8 a.m. to a phone call from my mom saying my dad got in a car accident (I went to bed at 3 a.m., who knows why). At that time she didn't know if he was okay or not. Thankfully my dad is okay. I got dressed and met my dad up at the hospital and spent all morning at the hospital. He was having some neck, lower back, and right wrist pain. He was c-collared and back boarded at the scene. Some guy hit a patch of ice and lost control of his car. He ended up hitting 3 vehicles including my dad's pick up truck. My dad seems to think the truck is totalled. I am just thankful he is okay. He had some x-rays done and he had no fractures. My dad is really sore, but other than that he is doing well.

I just love my dad and I am so glad he is okay.  Thank you Lord.

The rest of the day we just laid low.  That was enough excitement for the day.  I was going to have dinner over at my sister-in-law's house, and Zander would have been able to play with his cousin Jayln.  But Zander took a late morning nap.  I thought he might just skip his afternoon nap, or have a short one.  He was starting to get fussy around 2:30 p.m.  I finally put him down for a nap at 2:45 p.m., and he slept until 6:30 p.m.  He never sleeps that long, but it was nice because I got a nap too.  I sure needed one and obviously Zander did too.  So tonight we are just staying home, just the two of us while my husband is at work.  I can't wait until my husband starts working days.  I would love to have him home at night with us.  We got our garage door fixed today too.  I hope it works well now, I haven't tried it out yet.  Zander just went to bed and it is 8 p.m.  Yeah, the last 4 days in a row he has not gone to bed at his normal time of 7 p.m.  Today he got closer to his normal bedtime.  I would have put him to bed at his normal time, but he had such a long and late afternoon nap.  Now it is time to watch "The Bachelor," and then I am going to bed early tonight because I have to work in the morning. 

1 comment:

Silly Goose said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the accident. I'm thankful that he's Ok. Love you!