Wednesday, November 25, 2009
He acts like I am torturing him...
He acts like I am torturing him when I clip his finger and toe nails. I absolutely hate clipping my sons finger and toe nails. I put it off as long as I can. I get so worried that I will cut them too short and make him bleed. Because it has happened. I had to do it today, and he cried and cried and cried. And then he screamed, yelled, and kicked his feet. Man, Zander, mommy is not torturing you. I am just trying to make it so you don't scratch yourself. I think daddy will be clipping your nails next time.
Thankful for today
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
8 months old
Zander this is what have you been up to in the last month:
-You now have four teeth. Two on the bottom and two on the top.
-You wear size 3 diapers now. We found that out when on Halloween you had 2 blow outs. Your diaper was too small.
-You crawl now. You crawled for the first time on November 6, 2009 or sometime around then.
-You said your first word on October 29, 2009. You said WOW. You said it very clearly and both your mommy and daddy heard it. You haven't said it again. And you haven't said any other words either.
-You celebrated your first Halloween. You were the cutest lion for Halloween.
-You went to your first pumpkin patch. And got your first pumpkin. But we didn't carve pumpkins this year. You had 2 little pumpkins, a white one and an orange one. And you had one big orange pumpkin.
-You slept away from your mommy and daddy for the first time on November 10, 2009. You slept over at Grandma and Grandpa Meeter's house because they were watching you 2 days in a row because mommy and daddy had to work. Just so you know, mommy hated it, and was up until 5:30 a.m. because she missed you so much.
-You wear 9 month clothes and some 12 month clothes. I am pretty sure you only fit in 12 month sleepers because you are so tall.
-Your mommy estimates you weigh somewhere between 19 to 20 pounds.
-You went to the annual shopping trip at the Lighthouse Mall in Michigan City, IN with mommy and daddy and their friends for the first time. Last year you went, but you were in mommy's belly. You loved swimming in the pool at our hotel.
-You love your exersaucer, but love the jumparoo that Grandma has even more. You love to bounce. Mommy had to switch the 2. Now we have the jumparoo at our house and the exersaucer at Grandma Wiersema's house. You kept jumping like crazy in the your exersaucer and I was afraid you would break it.
-You are eating baby food well, but no finger/table food yet.
-You are the cutest boy ever and your mommy and daddy are enjoying every minute they have with you.
And just because it is cute and funny.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Alterations and Game Night!
I got my dress altered today for my sister's wedding. The big day is almost here. I am so excited for Abby.
Tonight we had our small group over and had game night. We had pizza and snacks. Brian even came home early and was able to hang out with us. We had a lot of fun. We played Catch Phrase and Mexican Bingo. I just love our small group. We have such a variety of people in our small group. We have single people, married people, and a range of ages in our small group. I am so thankful for them. I am glad we can learn and grow in the Lord together, as well as laugh and play games together. I hope our small group continues to grow even more.
Tonight we had our small group over and had game night. We had pizza and snacks. Brian even came home early and was able to hang out with us. We had a lot of fun. We played Catch Phrase and Mexican Bingo. I just love our small group. We have such a variety of people in our small group. We have single people, married people, and a range of ages in our small group. I am so thankful for them. I am glad we can learn and grow in the Lord together, as well as laugh and play games together. I hope our small group continues to grow even more.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Leaf Hunt and the park
Today was the first time Zander enjoyed the park. My husband and I babysat my friend Tracy's daughter, Rebekah. We took her to the park. While we walked there, we went on a leaf hunt. Rebekah and I each had a big ziplock bag and we collected leaves along the way that we liked. It was so much fun. And we sang the "Going on a leaf hunt" song, to the tune of "Going on a bear hunt." We found some really neat leaves, and we all had fun at the park.

Zander is trying out the slide. His daddy let him try it by himself the first time.

Then Daddy helped the other times.

Then Daddy and Zander raced Rebekah down the slide. Rebekah won!

Mommy had a turn going down the slide with Zander too.
Zander loved the swing.

He held on to the rail and stood up. He would not sit down.
What a big boy standing up.

The park wore Zander out. He fell asleep on the walk home from the park.
But we still went to Grandma's house after the park. Brian got McDonalds for us. And Grandma had 2 present for Zander. They were a silver baby ring and a baby spoon. They were so cute. I will add the picture later.
Then Rebekah went home and Daddy went to work. I took Zander home. After his afternoon nap, we had a little fun with the leaves I collected. Zander wasn't to cooperative with the photo shoot. This was the best shot I got.
I found all different kinds of leaves. Some were as big or bigger than Zander's head.
And some looked oh so adorable on Zander's head.
And on his butt.
God is so awesome. These are only a few kinds of trees he makes. And look at all those gorgeous colors. I love fall.

Mommy had a turn going down the slide with Zander too.

Zander loved the swing.

He held on to the rail and stood up. He would not sit down.

What a big boy standing up.

The park wore Zander out. He fell asleep on the walk home from the park.

But we still went to Grandma's house after the park. Brian got McDonalds for us. And Grandma had 2 present for Zander. They were a silver baby ring and a baby spoon. They were so cute. I will add the picture later.

Then Rebekah went home and Daddy went to work. I took Zander home. After his afternoon nap, we had a little fun with the leaves I collected. Zander wasn't to cooperative with the photo shoot. This was the best shot I got.

I found all different kinds of leaves. Some were as big or bigger than Zander's head.

And some looked oh so adorable on Zander's head.

And on his butt.

God is so awesome. These are only a few kinds of trees he makes. And look at all those gorgeous colors. I love fall.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
New Couches
This morning I was able to go to Women's Bible Study at our church. I have never been because I usually work on Tuesday mornings. I had such a nice time. It was so refreshing. I just love those ladies. I checked my schedule to see when I can go next, and I don't have another Tuesday off until December 22nd, but actually that is because I only know my work schedule up until December 17th. So who knows, I may be working then too. I take every Thursday off because I host a bible study at my house on Thursday nights, so it is hard to get Tuesdays off too.
After bible study, I went home and waited for the delivery men. Because we go a new sectional couch today. I love it. It is so comfy. Zander is enjoying it too.

I wanted to take Zander for a walk today because we had beautiful weather outside today, but instead he took a 3 hour and 15 minute afternoon nap. That never happens; I am not complaining.
After bible study, I went home and waited for the delivery men. Because we go a new sectional couch today. I love it. It is so comfy. Zander is enjoying it too.

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Busy church day
Today we inducted in our new pastor and had 2 baby dedications at church. Our friends Matt and Joleen had a baby girl, Jordyn, at the beginning of September, and our friends Paul and Michelle had a baby girl, Lillian, at the end of September. Both were dedicated today.

This was Joleen giving our new pastor's wife, Marcey, a gift.

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